
How Can I Modify My Name in the BGMI Game?

 On Battlegrounds Mobile Mobile, changing your in-game name is simple. You can only alter your name with a Rename Card, which you must obtain. It's available for purchase in-game as well. Therefore, once you get the card, you can proceed as follows: image source- https://www.mysmartprice 1-On your smartphone, launch the game Battlegrounds Mobile India. 2-In the lobby, go to the bottom-right corner and tap the 'Inventory' button next to the Mission. 3-The box icon may be found at the bottom of the Inventory menu. Tap it. 4-The Rename Card is located there. Press the Use button. 5-After that, a pop-up window will appear. In the dialogue box, type the name of the boy or girl. 6-Once you press the Ok button, you can continue. 7-If the name you've chosen is already taken, you can choose another name from the list and try that instead. How to Find New Stylish Battlegrounds Mobile India Names or Nicknames Online? 1-If you want to create your own stylish name BGMI name for boys